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Babikov, O. .
    Balancing Interests: Criminal Proceedings & Private Life Interference Under Martial Law in Ukraine [Електронний ресурс] / O. Babikov, V. Bozhyk, O. I. Bugera, S. H. Kyrenko, M. Viunyk // German Law Journal. - 2024 . - Published online by Cambridge University Press (Early Access): 03 April 2024
   Перевод заглавия: Баланс інтересів: кримінальне судочинство та втручання в приватне життя в умовах воєнного стану в Україні
РУБ DOI: 10.1017/glj.2024.12

Аннотация: The purpose of the Article is to analyze and compare certain aspects which define the limits of permissible interference with a person's private life in the legislation of Ukraine and other countries of the world in terms of ensuring the balance of interests of participants in criminal proceedings during covert measures to obtain information related to interference with a person’s private life. The Article uses general scientific and special research methods, in particular comparative legal, scientific categories, definitions and approaches, formal dogmatic (legal), dialectical. On the basis of the conducted research, generalized conclusions were made regarding general trends in the field of reforming the legal regulation of special measures for covertly obtaining information, and ways of their improvement. The forms and methods of departmental, judicial, and public control over the covert activities of law enforcement agencies have been determined separately, and the influence of terrorist threats and military actions on ensuring the balance of interests of participants in criminal proceedings has been investigated. According to the results of the research, ways of solving problematic issues of the regulation of criminal procedural legislation have been determined in order to ensure the balance of the interests of the participants in criminal proceedings during the organization, conduct, recording, storage, and use of the results of covert information-gathering activities. A comparative analysis of the ways of solving a number of legal regulation issues in the field of the use of informal forms of obtaining information, the determination of different approaches to the separation of departmental, judicial, and public control is being carried out for the first time and will provide a comprehensive and systematic approach to the improvement of legislation in the specified field in the conditions of martial law or during anti-terrorist activities.

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Bielai, S. .
    The Impact of a Practice-Oriented Paradigm on Public Administration and National Security [Електронний ресурс] / S. Bielai, L. Antonova, S. Hololobov, I. Yevtushenko, K. Sporyshev // International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. - 2024. - Vol. 19, iss. 1. - P. 277-288
   Перевод заглавия: Вплив практико-орієнтованої парадигми на державне управління та національну безпеку
РУБ DOI: https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsdp.190126

Аннотация: The purpose of the article is to reveal the impact of the practice-oriented paradigm on public administration for effective national security and to identify ways to improve the management system with due regard for current challenges and threats. The methodology of the article includes an analysis of scientific literature, documentary sources, and applied research in the field of public administration and national security. The study found that the practice-oriented paradigm allows for the effective implementation of strategies and policies, promotes coordination and cooperation between different agencies and organizations, and ensures an effective response to crisis situations. The results of the study confirm that the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration has a direct impact on national security through the following key aspects: effectiveness of crisis response (approaches aimed at solving specific problems and solving problems allow for a better response to crises and ensure the sustainability of national security); involvement of experts (taking into account the opinions and experience of specialists and practitioners allows for the development of more adaptive and effective security strategies); flexibility and adaptation. The conclusions of the article point to the need for continuous improvement of the management system and strategy development, taking into account current challenges and threats. The significance of this article lies in the fact that it offers practical recommendations for political and managerial personnel that will help improve the public administration system and ensure national security. The findings of the study can be used to develop strategies, policies, and programs in the field of public administration and national security.

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Biliaiev, O. .
    Contractual dynamics in Ukrainian civil law regulation [Електронний ресурс] = Dinâmica contratual na regulamentação do direito civil ucraniano / O. Biliaiev, A. Isaiev, N. Korobtsova, I. Puchkovska, V. Yanyshen // Revista Juridica Portucalense. - 2023. - No. 34. - P. 237-256. - References : p. 254-256
   Перевод заглавия: Договірна динаміка в українському цивільно-правовому регулюванні
РУБ DOI: 10.34625/issn.2183-2705(34)2023.ic-12

Аннотация: The research delves into the evolving contractual dynamics within Ukrainian civil law amid European integration, quarantine measures, and martial law. Focusing on the balance between individual rights and the broader civil legal framework, the study seeks to assess the current Civil Code of Ukraine and proposes enhancements to safeguard individual rights during challenging periods, such as martial law. Various research methods were used in the study, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, deduction, generalisation, abstraction, and formal legal research. As a result, the author has established that the current system of civil law provisions is characterised by certain shortcomings which affect certain types of activities of the subjects of these relations. The authors highlight that the process of European integration, the introduction of quarantine restrictions, and martial law in Ukraine had the most significant impact on the formation of problematic issues in the system of national civil legislation. As such, the study focuses on the general problem of regulating civil relations, namely, the legal status of a private person, as well as on specific aspects of this issue, contractual regulation and amendments to existing rules. Based on this, the author argues that the priority for addressing these issues is the development of new laws and modifications to the provisions of the Civil Code of Ukraine.

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Boiko, I. .
    Globalisation of administrative law in the context of modern challenges and threats [Електронний ресурс] / I. Boiko, O. Soloviova, O. Zyma, V. Somina, Y. Mekh // JUS Rivista di Scienze Giuridiche. - 2023. - Vol. 2023, Iss. 3. - P. 259-276
   Перевод заглавия: Глобалізація адміністративного права в контексті сучасних викликів і загроз
РУБ DOI: 10.26350/18277942_000136

Аннотация: The purpose of this study is to clarify the role of administrative law in ensuring the global public interest, outline the approaches that are used in administrative regulation when formulating the content of public interest, ways to ensure it, and the ratio of public and private interests of individuals, establish whether administrative law acquires signs of globality. Methods such as observation, analysis, generalization, and abstraction were used in the study. It was established that the development of global administrative law is designed to solve the problem of adapting national mechanisms of administrative regulation for their use in the global administrative space to ensure global public interest. The development of global administrative law in such areas as ensuring sanitary and epidemic well-being, the use of outer space, environmental safety, and the use of information networks is inevitable. The study covers the development of global, not international law. The signs of such “globality” are precisely the global public interest and global space.

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Boldyriev, S. .
    Exercise of State Control over Local Self-Government in the Field of Environmental Protection [Електронний ресурс] / S. Boldyriev, T. Steshenko, S. Serohina, S. Fomina, I. Kapelista // WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. - 2024. - Vol. 20. - P. 26-36. - References : p. 34-36
   Перевод заглавия: Здійснення державного контролю за органами місцевого самоврядування у сфері охорони навколишнього природного середовища
РУБ DOI: 10.37394/232015.2024.20.4

Аннотация: Today, environmental protection is a priority task for the governments of countries around the world due to the deepening of environmental problems and their impact on people's lives. Several problematic issues can and must be solved at the local level, which will make environmental policy more effective and take into account local needs. The study aimed to analyse the competence of local self-government bodies in terms of monitoring compliance with environmental legislation. A comparative analysis was used to study the issue of ensuring the protection of the environment and ecosystem by local self-government bodies through the prism of legal protection. During the research, several obstacles to the implementation of effective environmental protection measures at the local level were identified: the imperfection of the financing system, the lack of environmental awareness, the absence of effective administrative and procedural measures, and the imperfection of state control. In response to the identified problems, the positive experience of implementing the norms of the European Charter of Local Self-Government was investigated. It was established that the decentralization of local self-government had a positive effect on the protection of the ecosystem, as it brought local authorities closer to the public and provided local authorities with real powers to solve problems related to compliance with environmental legislation. In addition, to increase the effectiveness of mechanisms of state control over local self-government in the field of environmental protection, a system of principles of such control is proposed, consisting of publicity, systematicity, effectiveness, objectivity, impartiality, and universality. The proposed system will cover several key environmental problems and quickly and effectively solve them with the involvement of competent specialists and the public. The state of environmental protection at the local level is seen in further research and justification to determine practical recommendations for the implementation of decentralization of local self-government.

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Bozhko, V. .
    Comparative Legal Analysis of Safe Handling of Liquid Radioactive Waste in Ukraine and Most EU Countries [Електронний ресурс] / V. Bozhko, O. Kushch // Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment: Ukrainian Context (LWRT 2022) : International Conference, 30 June 2022. - 2024. - Vol. 469. - P. 1-19. - (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering)
   Перевод заглавия: Порівняльно-правовий аналіз безпечного поводження з рідкими радіоактивними відходами в Україні та більшості країн ЄС
РУБ DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-55068-3_1

Аннотация: The article is devoted to the study of legislation aimed at regulating relations on the safe management of liquid radioactive waste in the EU, individual EU Member States, and Ukraine. This problem is relevant for the entire global community, as such waste can emit harmful ionizing radiation, which can not only lead to radiation sickness but also cause radiation pollution of the environment. Ukrainian legislation also deserves special attention, as in 1986, the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident occurred in Ukraine, which resulted in a large release of radioactive materials. Therefore, the approaches to the safe management of liquid radioactive waste implemented in Ukraine deserve special attention. The article focuses on a comparative analysis of Council Directive 2011/70/Euroatom with the national legislation of all EU Member States and Ukrainian legislation. The author draws a reasonable conclusion that all European Community States seek to protect their populations from the hazards that may arise because of ionizing radiation. A comparative analysis of the results of the implementation of this Directive has shown that the EU Member States face the greatest problems with the development of a national radioactive waste management program containing key performance indicators; timely informing the European Commission of new national programs and any significant changes to them; and the establishment of a regulatory body in the field of radioactive waste management safety that would be sufficiently independent of public authorities. Several proposals were made to bring Ukrainian legislation in line with Council Directive 2011/70/Euratom.

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Bychenkov, V. .
    Methodology for Determining Long-Term State Development Scenarios [Електронний ресурс] / V. Bychenkov, O. Levchuk, Yu. Kirpichnikov, M. Holoborodko, O. Golovchenko, O. Tyshchenko // 2021 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory (ATIT) : 15-16 December 2021. - Kyiv, 2021. - P. 132-137. - [Вказана інша організація]
   Перевод заглавия: Методики визначення довгострокових сценаріїв розвитку держави
РУБ DOI: 10.1109/ATIT54053.2021.9678678

Аннотация: The method of scenario forecasting of state development in the long term has been improved. The improved method solves the following tasks: determining the degree of influence of states on the development of events in the region; forming a reference scenario, which allows to obtain information about the deformation over time of the ability of states to influence events in the region; accounting for the influence of important areas of state functioning to assess the weak predicted important factors; defining a configuration of the domain of acceptable scenarios that allows some combination of scenarios that are not explicitly proposed by experts to be considered.

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Cherkashyna, M. .
    The concept of “unique water bodies” in the environmental law of Ukraine [Електронний ресурс] = Поняття “унікальні водні об’єкти” в екологічному праві України / M. Cherkashyna // Evropsky Politicky a Pravni Diskurz. - 2023. - Vol. 10, Iss. 3. - P. 39-55. - References : p. 50-55
РУБ DOI: 10.46340/eppd.2023.10.3.2

Аннотация: The article suggests and substantiates the author’s approach to defining the concept of “unique water bodies” in the environmental law of Ukraine. It states that scientific developments in the field of water law terminology, and classification of water bodies are not final, and under current conditions, further development is necessary. After all, the legal regimes of protection, use and reproduction of water bodies depend on the clarification of their types and well-founded characteristics. The interrelation between the concepts: “especially valuable natural objects”, “especially protected natural territories and objects”, “unique natural objects” was studied. It was determined that there is no unified approach to this matter in environmental legislation. In some regulatory acts, the legislator equates the concepts of unique and especially valuable natural objects, others contain provisions according to which unique natural objects are enshrined along with especially valuable ones, but all of them are subject to special legal protection in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. The article places emphasis on the uniqueness of water bodies because of the legal status of water (water bodies), which, firstly, constitute the national property of the Ukrainian people, and secondly, are a strategic and vital natural resource in the system of ensuring sustainable development and national security of Ukraine. The sharp deterioration of the ecological state of all ecosystems, including water ones, as well as the current ecological situation, which is characterized by an acute shortage and the population’s need for water resources of drinking quality, in today’s conditions put the ecological and social status of water bodies in the first place and demand their isolation corresponding category of water objects. By researching the views of scientists, conducting an analysis of national environmental and other legislation, the essential features of the legal concept of “unique water objects” were determined: 1) location within the territory (of an object) with a special legal status or recognition of a water object directly as an object of international agreement; 2) priority use to meet the needs of drinking and household water supply of the population; 3) exclusive use by the population for medical and recreational purposes; 4) the presence of a diversity of valuable plants, their natural communities, animals and microorganisms (together with their habitats) in the ecosystems of water bodies. It is worth noting that the presence of at least one of the above-mentioned signs is the basis for recognizing a water body as unique. The author’s legal concept of “unique water bodies” was formulated, defining them as natural or artificially created water bodies that have a special ecological and priority social importance for meeting drinking and household needs, and exceptional medical and health-improving value. It points out the importance of preserving the natural biodiversity of water bodies and maintaining the general ecological balance of the natural environment, for which a special legal regime of protection, use, and reproduction is set out with restrictions or prohibitions of activities that do not correspond to the main purpose of the water body and its significance for humans and natural environment. The need to establish a special legal status of unique water bodies, as well as the corresponding legal regimes for their protection, use and restoration, monitoring, control, and entering them into the state water registry is specified. It also emphasizes the need to conduct further scientific development of the concept “unique natural objects” and consolidate the concepts of individual types of unique natural objects in the national environmental legislation, taking into account the peculiarities of their legal regimes.

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Danilyan, O. .
    Value aspects of the safe existence of social systems in an unstable world [Електронний ресурс] / Danilyan O., O. Dzоban, Y. Kalynovskyi, M. Saltanov // Cogito. - 2023. - Vol. 15, No. 4. - P. 60-78. - References : p. 76-78. - [DOI відсутній]
   Перевод заглавия: Ціннісні аспекти безпечного існування соціальних систем у нестабільному світі

Аннотация: The paper analyzes the axiological aspects of the safe existence of society in conditions of global instability. The authors defined the essence of social solidarity as a factor of increasing stability in social systems. The importance of social justice for reducing the level of conflict in the existence of modern societies has been proven. The institutional importance of democracy and democratic values for the safe development of social systems is substantiated.

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Davydiuk, O. .
    Directions for improving the concept of technology for the purpose of financial support for their transfer within the European Union [Електронний ресурс] / O. Davydiuk, H. Ivanova, O. Sivash, K. Lisohorova, M. Sharenko, H. Klierini // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. - 2024. - Vol. 1, iss. 13 (127). - P. 113-121
   Перевод заглавия: Напрями вдосконалення концепції технологій з метою фінансового забезпечення їх трансферу в межах Європейського Союзу
РУБ DOI: https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2024.299032

Аннотация: The object of this study is the essence and directions of improvement of the normative construction of the concept of technology, which is used within the framework of legal regulation of financial support of the innovation process and technology transfer within the framework of the law of the European Union. In the course of summarizing and studying the existing regulations, it was established that they are not unified and differ significantly. This does not meet the needs of participants in the innovation process and subjects of technology transfer. It has been proven that the most negative impact of the disparity of legal regulation occurs during the implementation of means of financial support for innovative processes. The expediency of improving the existing concept of technology definition by fixing its single generalized definition has been substantiated. Authentic definition of technology is proposed as information of an organizational and technical nature about the sequence of production operations, which can be expressed in the form of the results of scientific research, research and design works, a system of objects of intellectual property rights, information of an organizational and technical nature, technological documentation, equipment, tools, machines, and mechanisms. It was substantiated that this definition makes it possible to eliminate most of the identified problems and is formed on the basis of the existing needs of the participants of technology transfer. The study is aimed at the formation of general theoretical foundations for improving the essence of technology for the purposes of legal support for financial support of innovation processes and technology transfer in the European Union. The research results could be used in the formation of international normative acts, acts of national legislation, and serve as a basis for further scientific research on these issues.

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Faracik, B. .
    Business and Human Rights in Central and Eastern Europe: Trends, Challenges and Prospects [Електронний ресурс] / B. Faracik, J. L. Cernic, O. Uvarova // Business and Human Rights Journal. - 2024. - Vol. 9, iss. 1, [spec. iss. - у WoS]. - P. 1-14 . - [На сайті розміщена примітка: *Ця версія замінює неправильну версію, опубліковану 12 квітня 2024 року. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 April 2024]
   Перевод заглавия: Бізнес і права людини в Центральній та Східній Європі: тенденції, виклики та перспективи
РУБ DOI: 10.1017/bhj.2024.6

Аннотация: This Special Issue denotes the first comprehensive attempt to place business and human rights-related (BHR) developments in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region on the map of global discussions in BHR. CEE is a geographical area historically, politically, socio-economically, geo-strategically and culturally distinct from other regions, including Western Europe. Hence, this Special Issue explores the region's specific elements and factors and how they affect and influence the implementation and embedding of human rights in the practice of business enterprises in the region. The 'Scholarly Articles' and 'Developments in the Field' pieces collected in this issue highlight promising and not-so-promising developments and practices of state institutions, business enterprises, and other actors. It documents the current situation in the region and outlines ideas and prospects for addressing the identified challenges over the next decade. Introducing the Special Issue, this editorial outlines the region's leading trends and prospects in BHR. It reflects on persisting challenges and notes the region's progress in BHR awareness, knowledge and capacity in recent decades.

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Getman, A. P..
    The impact of artificial intelligence on legal decision-making [Електронний ресурс] / A. P. Getman, O. M. Yaroshenko, R. V. Shapoval, R. Ye. Prokopiev, M. I. Demura // International Comparative Jurisprudence. - 2023. - Vol. 9, no. 2. - P. 155-169. - References : p. 167-169
   Перевод заглавия: Вплив штучного інтелекту на прийняття правових рішень
РУБ DOI: 10.13165/j.icj.2023.12.001

Аннотация: This research paper aims to explore the growing influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on legal decision-making processes. The increasing availability of AI technologies and their potential to analyse large volumes of legal data have sparked debates and raised questions regarding their role in shaping the future of the legal profession. This study investigates the implications of AI for various aspects of legal decision-making, including case analysis, the prediction of outcomes, and legal research. By employing a multidisciplinary approach that combines legal analysis, technological assessment, and ethical considerations, the research examines the benefits and challenges associated with integrating AI into the legal system. The methods employed in this study include a comprehensive review of existing literature, an analysis of case studies, and an exploration of the ethical implications of AI adoption in legal decision-making processes. The findings of this research contribute to the understanding of the potential benefits and limitations of AI in the legal field, as well as the safeguards and ethical guidelines required to ensure its responsible and effective use.

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Getman, A. P..
    Geographical determinism: history and present [Електронний ресурс] = Determinismo geografico: historia y presente / A. P. Getman, O. G. Danilyan, J. M. Sepúlveda, O. P. Dzeban, Y. Y. Kalynovskyi // Revista Notas Historicas y Geograficas. - 2023. - Iss. 31. - P. 303-318. - References : p. 315-318 . - [Iss. 2 (31) вказано на сайті журналу]
   Перевод заглавия: Географічний детермінізм: історія і сучасність

Аннотация: The article examines the emergence and development of the theory of geographical determinism, as well as the essence of the main concepts of geographical determinism of the classical and post-classical periods. The theoretical foundations of geopolitics and the views of its main representatives are analyzed. It is noted that geographical determinism as a conceptual methodological approach does not become obsolete with the development of society, but is modernized and modified. The features of modern geographical determinism (neo-determinism) are defined and some of its directions are considered: the concept of sustainable development, the concept of green energy, geographical ethics.

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Golovashevych, O. .
    Comparative characteristics of approaches to resolving tax disputes in Ukraine and Great Britain [Електронний ресурс] / O. Golovashevych, A. Kotenko, I. Krynytskyi, M. Kucheryavenko // Journal of Global Business and Technology. - 2023. - Vol. 19, Iss. 2. - P. 1-13. - References : p. 11-13. - [DOI відсутній]
   Перевод заглавия: Порівняльна характеристика підходів до вирішення податкових спорів в Україні та Великобританії

Аннотация: The article considers certain aspects of building a strategy for resolving tax conflicts in Great Britain and compares it with the regulatory regulation of these processes in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the tax conflict initially manifests itself in the mismatch of interests of the taxpayer and the state, and its natural development becomes its development into a tax dispute, the traditional ways of solving which in the majority of countries of the world are administrative and judicial appeals. It is emphasized that the taxpayer can freely choose the appeal path immediately after receiving the tax notice decision. A significant emphasis in the article is made precisely on the foreign experience of resolving tax disputes, and the characteristics of legal instruments and constructions different from those available in Ukraine. A comparative analysis of the means of unifying approaches in resolving very similar tax disputes in Ukraine and Great Britain was carried out. The joint functional purpose of the precedent approach used in Great Britain and the institute of exemplary cases implemented in Ukraine in recent years is emphasized. The similarity of the purpose of the precedent approach and exemplary cases with the purpose of the mechanism of general tax consultations in the aspect of increasing the efficiency of resolving tax disputes is characterized.

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Golovashevych, O. .
    Mediation in the Resolution of Tax Disputes: Advantages, Application Experience, Prospects for Implementation in Ukraine [Електронний ресурс] / O. Golovashevych, I. Bondarenko, A. Kotenko, M. Kucheryavenko, O. Zaverukha // Danube. - 2024. - Vol. 15, iss. 1. - P. 73-86
   Перевод заглавия: Медіація у вирішенні податкових спорів: переваги, досвід застосування, перспективи впровадження в Україні
РУБ DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/danb-2024-0004

Аннотация: The aim of this article is to analyze the utilization of alternative approaches for resolving tax disputes across various countries worldwide in order to evaluate the feasibility of introducing such approaches in Ukraine. It provides an overview of mediation, which is considered one of the most efficient methods for alternative dispute resolution. The article also presents a classification of mediation mechanisms employed in different countries. Furthermore, it examines the trends in the feasibility of introducing tax mediation in Ukraine. Lastly, the article suggests a roadmap for implementing judicial mediation as the most comprehensible and effective method for resolving tax disputes.

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Gutorova, N. .
    HIV criminalization's origins, enforcement, and social impacts [Електронний ресурс] / N. Gutorova, V. Rachynska, Y. Gnedik // Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski Polish Medical Journal. - 2023. - Vol. 51, Iss. 6. - P. 624-631
   Перевод заглавия: Походження криміналізації ВІЛ, правоохорона і соціальні впливи
РУБ DOI: 10.36740/Merkur202306108 + PMID: 38207064

Аннотация: This article aims to raise awareness and stimulate serious discussion about the ineffectiveness of HIV criminalization and its impact on human rights and public health and to propose improvements in criminal law regulation. The study is based on the empirical and analytical data of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, the World Health Organization, legal acts, drafts legal acts, legal practice, and statistics of Ukraine, legal acts of the USA, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. In total, 21 laws, drafts of laws, other documents, and 26 court decisions were analyzed. Dialectical, comparative, analytical, synthetic, systemic, sociological, induction, and deduction research methods were applied. The criminalization of HIV stems from a lack of awareness among policymakers and society about advances in medical science and ways to control the epidemic. Such regulation is ineffective, leads to stigmatization of people living with HIV, and has a negative impact on the epidemic. Causing harm to a person's health by intentionally infecting a person with a severe infectious disease could be criminalized under the general norm on bodily harm, excluding the stigmatization of patients with certain nosologies.

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Hartmane, I. .
    Impacts of war on Ukrainian nature [Електронний ресурс] / I. Hartmane, B. Biyashev, A. P. Getman, O. M. Yaroshenko, H. V. Anisimova // International Journal of Environmental Studies. - 2024. - [Published online: 09 Feb 2024]
   Перевод заглавия: Наслідки війни для природи України
РУБ DOI: 10.1080/00207233.2024.2314856

Аннотация: The network of nature reserves that has been a centrepiece of Ukraine’s environmental policy has been devastated by Russian aggression. Violation of their integrity threatens endemic species and irreplaceable ecosystems; indeed, entire ecosystems have been lost; extensive fires, illegal logging, mechanical damage and chemical contamination of the soil cover are responsible for a critical reduction in forest cover, and degradation of the soil and water conservation and recreational functions of the nature reserve fund. Measures are proposed to make the best of a bad situation at the local level, as well as ways to prevent a bigger ecological catastrophe.

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Herbut, N. .
    Parliamentary Elections and the Gender Aspect: A Comparative Analysis of the Experience of Ukraine and Sweden [Електронний ресурс] / N. Herbut, V. Rossikhin, V. Panchenko, T. Madryha, O. Berezovska-Chmil // Pakistan Journal of Criminology. - 2024. - Vol. 16, No. 1. - P. 161-180. - References : p. 179-181
   Перевод заглавия: Парламентські вибори та гендерний аспект: порівняльний аналіз досвіду України та Швеції
РУБ DOI: 10.62271/pjc.

Аннотация: Gender aspects in parliamentary elections are becoming more and more important both in the context of achieving equality between the two sexes, and in view of the important role of women in increasing the effectiveness of politics, tolerance, and combating violence and war. Studying the Swedish experience in achieving gender equality in politics will reveal directions for further political reforms in this area. The purpose of the study is to identify the most effective practices for achieving gender balance in politics by conducting a comparative analysis of the Swedish and Ukrainian experience. The main methods are statistical analysis, comparative legal method and rating method. The study of the legislation of both countries regarding gender quotas and the analysis of additional ways in which Sweden achieved modern results made it possible to formulate recommendations for Ukraine that can contribute to the achievement of gender equality in the course of parliamentary elections.

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Holovkin, B. M..
    Fight against Corruption-Related Crimes in Wartime in Ukraine [Електронний ресурс] / B. M. Holovkin, M. Semenyshyn, O. V. Tavolzhanskyi, O. V. Lysodyed, N. V. Smetanina // International Annals of Criminology. - 2023. - Vol. 61, Iss. 3-4. - P. 384-409
   Перевод заглавия: Боротьба з корупційними злочинами під час війни в Україні
РУБ DOI: 10.1017/cri.2023.31

Аннотация: The article aims to provide a comprehensive theoretical and practical analysis of the issues in the legal regulation of corruption prevention, study the state of the fight against corruption and the legalization of proceeds of corruption-related crimes under martial law, determine new corruption risks during a war, and suggest recommendations for their minimization. The authors of this article established the main problems that cause the emergence and spread of corruption in society and ways to overcome this phenomenon. The study s results established that independent anti-corruption agencies and authorized law enforcement agencies have continued preventive and law enforcement activities even under war conditions, their purpose being to ensure the normal State functioning, the country s defence capacity, and society s security. In law-making and law enforcement activities, this research work can help to improve international relations between Ukraine and foreign countries in the context of the development of bilateral relations regarding the provision of assistance to Ukraine for post-war recovery, the attraction of investment, the fight against corruption, and possible accession to the European Union.

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Hrynzovskyi, A. M..
    Public management of public healthcare under the COVID-19 outbreak: experience of Ukraine [Електронний ресурс] / A. M. Hrynzovskyi, S. V. Bielai, I. M. Volkov, A. Y. Bakai, A. V. Shevchenko, I. V. Yevtushenko // Wiadomosci Lekarskie . - 2024. - Vol. 77, iss. 1. - P. 94-104. - References : p. 102-104
   Перевод заглавия: Публічне управління охороною здоров’я в умовах спалаху COVID-19: досвід України
РУБ DOI: 10.36740/WLek202401112 + PMID: 38431813

Аннотация: Objective: Aim: The research is aimed to study certain aspects and experience of functioning of the Ukrainian Public Healthcare public management mechanisms during an outbreak of the acute respiratory disease COVID19. Patients and methods: Materials and Methods: The studied materials include personal observations and accumulated practical material, as well as generalization of the collected data and their empirical treatment, conducted by the scientists, according to the present legislation requirements. The study was held using general scientific methods, including observation, description of results, specification and statistical data generalization. Conclusion: Conclusions: Generalization, arrangement and analysis of the Ukrainian experience of the Public Healthcare public management during the outbreak of the acute respiratory disease COVID19, provides exchange of experience between all subjects of the process. This helps to produce certain practical decisions, aimed at effective responding of the state healthcare system onto management of the COVID19 outbreak. Such activities are also directed at detection of flaws in the whole system, with their subsequent correction, and elimination or neutralization of possible negative outcomes. To adopt the priority activity directions within public relations, which make the subject of the study, the authors have studied a complex of activities against spread of the COVID19 in 2019-2020. These activities include issues, related to prompt responding onto the infection spread and approving quick professional decisions; fulfilling epidemiological supervision and introducing anti-epidemic activities; providing diagnostics, and accessibility of the safe and high-quality vaccine.

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 1-20    21-40   41-60   61-70 

Умовні позначення місця знаходження

3_пов.(ЗПІ) – зала правової інформації, НБК

4_пов.(НАб) – абонемент наукової літератури, НБК

4_пов.(ДБФ) – довідково-бібліографічний фонд, НБК

5_пов.(З/П) – зала періодичних видань, НБК

6_пов.(АХЛ) – абонемент художньої літератури, НБК

6_пов.(ЗІЛ) – зала літератури іноземними мовами, НБК

7_пов.(Хр) – книгосховище, НБК

8_пов.(РК) – книгосховище рідкісних видань та дисертацій, НБК

НБВ – інформаційно-бібліографічний відділ, НБК, 7 поверх

Ст.Аб. – студентський абонемент, НБК, 5 поверх

Філ №1 – філія № 1 (вул. Динамівська, 4)

Філ №2 – філія № 2 (вул. Пушкінська, 106)

Полт. фак. – Полтавський юридичний інститут, м. Полтава