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Загальна кількість знайденихдокументів : 5
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 1:316/D18
Автор(ы) : Danilyan, Oleg, Dzоban, Olexander, Kalynovskyi, Yurii, Saltanov, Mykola
Заглавие : Value aspects of the safe existence of social systems in an unstable world
Место публикации : Cogito. - 2023. - Vol. 15, No. 4. - P.60-78
Примечания : References : p. 76-78. - [DOI відсутній]
УДК : 1:316
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): democratic values--global instability--human rights and freedoms--justice--social system--solidarity--демократичні цінності--глобальна нестабільність--права і свободи людини--справедливість--соціальна система--солідарність
Аннотация: The paper analyzes the axiological aspects of the safe existence of society in conditions of global instability. The authors defined the essence of social solidarity as a factor of increasing stability in social systems. The importance of social justice for reducing the level of conflict in the existence of modern societies has been proven. The institutional importance of democracy and democratic values for the safe development of social systems is substantiated.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 1/K79
Автор(ы) : Kovalenko, Inna, Meliakova, Yuliia, Kalnytskyi, Eduard, Nesterenko, Ksenia
Заглавие : From a subject to an agent, from society to community in conditions of the market of identities, abilities and freedoms
Место публикации : Cogito. - 2023. - Vol. 15, iss. 4. - P.30-59. - ISSN 2068-6706
Примечания : [DOI відсутній]
УДК : 1 + 340.12 + 1:316 + 314/316 + 316.32:004
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): агентство--agency--target community--цільова спільнота--альянс--alliance--precarity--прекарність--prosumerism--просьюмеризм--being-together--бути разом--human rights--права людини
Аннотация: The synergetics of open systems, refracted into the field of social relations, demonstrates new principles and forms of group behavior - corporatism, involvement, conventionalism, non-collective community, beingtogether. The dissipative nature of modern society overturns the institutional order in it and makes it necessary to get rid of ideological identity, along with this, the reason for the ideological and class struggle disappears. However, there are other problems associated with somatic identity, employment, consumerism and social precarity, which are sufficient causes for conflicts. To resolve actual social contradictions, an appeal is made to the concept of natural rights and the paradigm of performativity, which highlight physical body in the mode of its presence and natural desire. Thus, the panoptical neoliberal social space, traditionally referred to as society, today is a spontaneous alliance of single agents publicly manifesting their individual needs and the right to satisfy them.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 1:316/K79
Автор(ы) : Kovalenko, Inna, Meliakova, Yuliia, Kalnytskyi, Eduard, Nesterenko, Ksenia
Заглавие : The experience of philosophizing in emergency conditions: specifics and perspectives
Место публикации : Cogito. - 2022. - Vol. 14, no. 3. - P.44-62
Примечания : References : p. 60-62
УДК : 1:316
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): digital control--modern philosophy--post-covid world--temporality--цифрове управління--сучасна філософія--covid-19--постковідний світ--соціальне життя--социальная жизнь--современная философия--цифровое управление--постковидный мир
Аннотация: The protracted COVID-19 epidemic is unique not only because it has changed the familiar life on a global scale. The distant way of social life, the emergence of new social standards, the intensification of existential risks have become a challenge and for philosophy itself, its ability to expand the horizons of reflection of new reality. The article discusses the specifics of individual and social life in the context of the theory of viral modernity and the problems of global digital control. In addition, the methodological possibilities of phenomenology allow us to comprehend the modern pandemic as an extraordinary event that, in contrast to the temporality of ordinary experience, radically changes the perception of time in the conditions of COVID everyday life.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Danilyan, Oleg Gennadievich, Arbeláez-Campillo, Diego Felipe, Rojas-Bahamón, Magda Julissa
Заглавие : The influence of globalization processes on the culture sphere
Параллельн. заглавия :La influencia de los procesos de globalización en el ámbito de la cultura
Место публикации : Revista de Filosofia. - 2022. - Vol. 39, Iss. 100. - P.143-154
УДК : 1:316
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): culture--globalization--globalization of culture--interaction of cultures--глобалізація культури--глобалізація--глобалізація суспільства--взаємодія культур--глобализация культуры--глобализация общества--взаимодействие культур
Аннотация: The article is devoted to the problems of the influence of globalization processes on the culture sphere. It is emphasized that as the pace of globalization accelerates, the phenomenon of cultural globalization naturally occurs. It is noted that the globalization of culture is a process of integration of individual national cultures into a single world culture based on the development of vehicles, economic ties and means of communication. It is concluded that in the process of globalization objectively there are communications between representatives of different cultures or between subcultures. The main ways of interaction of cultures are singled out, as a result of which either the sociocultural experience of people and communities is enriched, or ethnocultural contradictions are aggravated. The main among them are: acculturation, cultural expansion, cultural diffusion, synthesis of cultures, etc.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Nevelska-Hordieieva, Olena, Melikhova, Yuliia, Sliusarenko, Tetiana
Заглавие : Playing Essence of Human Thinking: Philosophical and Cultural Aspects
Параллельн. заглавия :Jugar a la esencia del pensamiento humano: aspectos filosóficos y culturales
Место публикации : Revista de Filosofia. - 2022. - Vol. 39, Iss. 100. - P.183-194
УДК : 1:316
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): culture of thinking--game--performance--play--thinking--культура мислення--гра--продуктивність--грати--мислення--культура мышления--игра--мышление
Аннотация: he article is devoted to the gaming essence of human thinking. Gaming activity is the essential quality of a person along with labour, educational, cognitive, communicative activities. It is realised in all listed activities of the personality. After analysing the classification of types of human games, we propose to allocate the fourth type of games – the game of the mind. It is present in modern texts: jokes, advertisements, media, and artistic texts. The ambiguity of the text provokes mental activity. The latter, carrying out the game with meanings, is able to generate ambiguity of discourse. Thinking, as a game, is manifested in solving the tasks of intelligence, in assessing of general competencies and testing creative abilities.
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Умовні позначення місця знаходження

3_пов.(ЗПІ) – зала правової інформації, НБК

4_пов.(НАб) – абонемент наукової літератури, НБК

4_пов.(ДБФ) – довідково-бібліографічний фонд, НБК

5_пов.(З/П) – зала періодичних видань, НБК

6_пов.(АХЛ) – абонемент художньої літератури, НБК

6_пов.(ЗІЛ) – зала літератури іноземними мовами, НБК

7_пов.(Хр) – книгосховище, НБК

8_пов.(РК) – книгосховище рідкісних видань та дисертацій, НБК

НБВ – інформаційно-бібліографічний відділ, НБК, 7 поверх

Ст.Аб. – студентський абонемент, НБК, 5 поверх

Філ №1 – філія № 1 (вул. Динамівська, 4)

Філ №2 – філія № 2 (вул. Григорія Сковороди, 106)

Полт. фак. – Полтавський юридичний інститут, м. Полтава