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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : Х910.1/S49
Автор(ы) : Serdyuk Oleksander V., Petrov, Roman
Заглавие : Ukraine: a constitutional design between façade democracy and effective transformation?
Место публикации : Democratization and the European Union: Comparing Central and Eastern European Post-Communist Countries. - Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge. Taylor and Francis Group, 2010. - P.170-193. - (Routledge Research in Comparative Politics; Book Series)
ББК : Х910.1
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 343.3/O-75
Автор(ы) : Orlovskyi R., Shapoval, Roman Volodymyrovych, Demenko, Olga
Заглавие : Possibilities of adapting the typologies of the international standards for establishing criminal liability for corruption-related crimes in Ukraine
Место публикации : Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research. - 2018. - Vol. 5 , No. 2 . - P.108-119
УДК : 343.3
ББК : Х628.38
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): антикоррупционная политика--процедуры расследования коррупции--уголовная ответственность--международные антикоррупционные конвенции
Аннотация: The article validates the relevance of the implementation of international standards in the national anti-corruption policy, taking into account the progressive and sustainable development of corrupt practices in Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to propose a structural and functional algorithm for improving the process of establishing criminal liability for corruption-related crimes following international anti-corruption standards using the method of structural and functional modeling. The level of implementation and compliance of national legislation with international standards for combating corruption was assessed, which allowed identifying conflicts in legislative and normative acts on the formation of the list of corruption crimes and the procedures used for their investigations by type of legal responsibility. The article presents a structural and logical algorithm for the implementation of international standards in determining criminal liability for corruption-related offenses in Ukraine.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : З2/Y12
Автор(ы) : Yagup V., Yagup K., Kovalova Y., Kharchenko V., Besarab, Tetiana, Krasnov O., Domanskii I., Domanskii V., Kostin H., AbuGoukh H. G.
Заглавие : Analysis and optimization of the reactive power compensation modes in a power supply system
Место публикации : Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. - 2019. - Vol. 3, Issue: 8-99. - P.13-22
ББК : З2
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): система электроснабжения--реактивная мощность--режим компенсации--линия электропередачи--компенсирующее устройство
Аннотация: Представлено дослiдження режимiв в однофазнiй узагальненiй системi електропостачання в аспектi пiдвищення енергетичних показникiв в системi шляхом компенсацiї реактивної потужностi. Розглянутi три тестових варiанта системи електропостачання з рiзними спiввiдношеннями комплексних опорiв навантаження та лiнiї електропередачi. Показанi недолiки традицiйного методу розрахунку параметрiв компенсуючого пристрою, якi забезпечують часткову компенсацiю реактивної потужностi, що споживається лише навантаженням. Аналiз режиму часткової компенсацiї свiдчить про те, що зi збiльшенням реактивностi лiнiї електропередачi погiршуються енергетичнi показники, якi вдається отримати в результатi компенсацiї реактивної потужностi. З застосуванням пошукової оптимiзацiї показано, що для повної компенсацiї потрiбне збiльшення ємностi компенсатора. Метод пошукової оптимiзацiї реалiзований в пакетi програм комп'ютерної математики MathCAD за допомогою вирiшального блоку givenfind. Для цього використовуються рiвняння математичної моделi системи електропостачання на основi компонентних i топологiчних рiвнянь. В якостi додаткових умов використанi спiввiдношення, що визначають повну компенсацiю реактивної потужностi живильного джерела, а також умови фiзичної можливостi бути реалiзованим структури компенсуючого пристрою. Перемiнними оптимiзацiї є параметри дослiджуваного режиму i параметри компенсуючого пристрою. Представленi фрагменти текстiв програм з числовими результатами розв’язань, а також порiвняльнi таблицi результатiв аналiзу i оптимiзацiї режимiв компенсацiї реактивної потужностi в дослiджуваних системах електропостачання для всiх варiантiв їх параметрiв. Данi кiлькiснi оцiнки величини додаткової ємностi, яка обчислюється виходячи з умови компенсацiї нею реактивної потужностi в лiнiї електропередачi. Дослiдження, що проведенi в роботi, показали, що при збiльшеннi реактивного опору лiнiї електропередачi повна компенсацiя не може бути досягнута iз застосуванням поперечної компенсацiї i цьому явищу дана фiзична трактовка. Вона полягає в тому, що напруга на компенсуючому поперечному конденсаторi зменшується швидше, нiж зростає компенсована ним реактивна потужнiсть лiнiї електропередач. Показано, що в останньому випадку повна компенсацiя реактивної потужностi все ж може бути досягнута застосуванням комбiнованої поздовжньо-поперечної компенсацiї.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : Х916.7/Z11
Автор(ы) : Zabuha Y. Y., Mykhailichenko, Tetiana, Morochkovska O. V.
Заглавие : Overview and analysis of occupational risks in healthcare of eastern europe countries
Место публикации : Wiadomosci lekarskie. - 2019. - Vol. 72, Iss. 12, cz. 2. - p.2510-2517
ББК : Х916.7
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): infectious disease--medical workes--occupational disease--professional risk--the responsibility--инфекционное заболевание--медицинские работники--профессиональное заболевание--профессиональный риск--ответственность--інфекційне захворювання--медичні працівники--професійне захворювання--професійний ризик--відповідальність
Аннотация: OBJECTIVE: Introduction: Occupational risks affecting each healthcare professional are diverse and significantly affect their physical and psychological condition. They can conditionally be divided into risks resulting from: 1) the impact of the work process and pose a risk to the life and health of healthcare professionals; 2) the activities of healthcare professionals and pose a potential risk to the patients lives and health. The latter group poses a threat of criminal liability for the healthcare professional. It is the task of each state to ensure safe working conditions for the effective performance of their duties by healthcare specialists. However, according to the study, the analyzed Eastern European countries lack accurate statistics on occupational diseases of healthcare professionals, while the latter often do not seek specialized care and are treated on their own. The aim: to identify the types and causes of occupational risks for healthcare professionals working in the countries of Eastern Europe; to investigate the legislation of these countries under which medical professionals may be prosecuted/held guilty and, thus, criminally liable for causing harm to their patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: Legislation of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation and Ukraine, international declarations and conventions, research papers, case law of the European Court of Human Rights, national court decisions of some East European countries. CONCLUSION: Conclusions: Occupational risks to the healthcare professionals are risks to his or her life and health and risks of criminal liability for causing harm to the patient. The causes of the first type risk are: a significant prevalence proportion of infectious diseases; the use of faulty medical equipment; unregulated working day and low salaries; medical attendance of patients prone to aggression, etc. The healthcare professional shall be criminally responsible only if he/she is found guilty for infliction of harm to the life and health of the patient and the presence of the obligatory signs of a specific crime in his/her actions.
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Yevseiev S., Milov O., Milevskyi S., Voitko O., Kasianenko M., Melenti Y., Pohasii S., Stepanov H., Turinskyi O., Faraon S.
Заглавие : Development and analysis of gametheoretical models of security systems agents interaction
Место публикации : Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. - 2020. - Vol. 2. Issue 4. - P.15-29
УДК : 007
ББК : З81
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): game theory--теория игры--теорія гри--cybersecurity--кибербезопасность--кібербезпека--stackelberg games--игры штакельберга--ігри штакельберга--nash games--нэш игры--неш ігри--game equilibrium--игровое равновесие--ігрова рівновага--strategy--стратегия--стратегія
Аннотация: A game-theoretic approach is presented, which claims to be a universal method for solving most problems in the field of cybersecurity. As arguments to confirm the superiority of game theory, mathematical validity and provability of the optimality of decisions made, unlike the widely used heuristics, the possibility of developing reliable protection based on analytical results, ensuring a timely response to cyberattacks in conditions of limited resources, as well as distributed nature of decision making are highlighted. The definitions of the basic concepts used in security tasks based on game-theoretic models are introduced. The features of the application of game theory methods in the field of cybersecurity are listed and the limitations of research in this area are formulated, namely: a restriction on game strategies, simultaneous moves of players in the behavior patterns of security system agents, uncertainty in the time the players take the move, uncertainty in the final goal of the enemy, unpredictability of further player moves, lack of players’ assessment of enemy resources. as well as its ultimate goals, the inability to timely assess the current state of the game. The game-theoretic models are aligned with the listed security problems, and the main solutions obtained as a result of using the corresponding models are also determined. Many methods of game theory have been formed, for each of which a relationship is determined between the game model, its scope, simulation result and security services that the method under consideration supports. The limitations of the classical representation of game theory models are determined, the need to overcome which follows from the requirements for providing basic security services. Such limitations include: the ability of the defender to detect attacks, the certainty of the probabilities of a change of state before the start of the game, the synchronism of the players’ moves, the inability to scale the model due to the size and complexity of the system under consideration. Models of the main tasks of the interaction of antagonistic agents of security systems have been developed. The resulting models made it possible to obtain solutions to two of the most common tasks in the field of cybersecurity, namely, the interaction of the system administrator and the attacker in organizing the protection of information resources. The tasks are solved for various conditions – the game matrix contains cost estimates of resources and the matrix reflects the probability of threat realization. Pure and mixed strategies are defined for various initial conditions, which allows to exclude from the consideration strategies that are not included in the solution. A synergistic approach to the use of game-theoretic modeling was formed taking into account the behavior of agents of security systems, based on an analysis of the diversity and characteristics of game-theoretic models, their inherent limitations and scope
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Gusarov, Kostyantin, Terekhov, Viktor
Заглавие : Finality of Judgments in Civil Cases and Related Considerations: The Experience of Ukraine and Lithuania
Место публикации : Access to justice in Eastern Europe. - 2019. - Iss. 4. - P.6-29
УДК : 347.95
ББК : Х629.217 + Х629.2
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): finality of judgments--окончательность судебных решений--остаточність судових рішень--legal effect--юридична сила--юридическая сила--юридический эффект--юридичний ефект--res judicata--разрешенное дело--вирішена справа--review of judicial decisions--пересмотр судебных решений--перегляд судових рішень--access to justice--доступ к правосудию--доступ до правосуддя--rule of law--верховенство закона--верховенство закону--correction of errors--исправление ошибок--виправлення помилок--judicial economy--судебная экономика--судова економіка
Аннотация: Finality of judgments is a concept that puts an end to the trial, prohibiting subsequent appeals, opening of new proceedings and disputing clearly established facts. Despite being promoted by the Council of Europe and its Court of Human Rights and familiar to most if not all states, its application still encounters misunderstandings in some Eastern European Countries. Deeply rooted ideas of substantive truth and the public role of the judiciary, a rather idiosyncratic notion of fair trial and the rule of law all lead to underestimation of the role played by finality in a peaceful life of the society. This article addresses the experience of Ukraine (where a major judicial reform has just taken place) and Lithuania - two post-Soviet nations that both, still in their unique way, worked on implementing the principle of finality into their procedural order. The paper also explores an uneasy balance to be found between this notion and other relevant considerations (access to justice, rule of law, judicial economy and some other).
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kroitor, Volodymyr, Mamnitskyi, Valeriy
Заглавие : Adversarial Principle Under the New Civil Procedure in Ukraine
Место публикации : Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. - 2019. - Iss. 4. - P.30-41
УДК : 347.91
ББК : Х629.2 + Х629.2-2
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): adversariality--состязательность--змагальність--equality of parties--равенство сторон--рівність сторін--principles of the civil procedure--принципы гражданского процесса--принципи цивільного процесу--competitiveness--конкурентоспособность --конкурентоспроможність--procedural activity of the court--процессуальная деятельность суда--процесуальна діяльність суду--principle of cooperation between the parties and the judge--принцип сотрудничества сторон и судьи--принцип співробітництва сторін і судді
Аннотация: This work deals with the evolution of adversarial princtple in civil process under the conditions of post-socialist regression and post-reform civil justice as well as the introduction of the principles of case management and cooperation between the court and the parties in the process. In particular, it analyses the main provisions of such new guarantees of realization of the right to a fair trial, which were introduced in the CPC of Ukraine in 2017-2018 as a court's right to prevent abuse of procedural rights, as well as the exchange of competitive documents between the parties. The authors argue that effective protection of the rights today is to be based on the adversarial principles that shall be supplemented by the security of the balance of rights of the parties and the authority of the court on the examination of civil matters.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Shepitko, Mykhaylo
Заглавие : Counteraction to miscarriage of justice in Ukraine
Место публикации : Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. - 2019. - Issue: 2. - P.96-105
УДК : 343.1 + 343.11
ББК : Х893.8
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): counteraction--противодействие--протидія--measures--меры--заходи--miscarriage of justice--судебная ошибка --судова помилка--influence of justice--влияние правосудия --вплив правосуддя--crime against justice--преступление против правосудия--злочин проти правосуддя--illegal verdict--незаконный приговор--незаконний вирок--judge--судья--суддя--fair trial--справедливое судебное разбирательство --справедливий судовий розгляд--court--суд
Аннотация: Investigation of crimes against justice in Ukraine is among topical problems of miscarriage of justice. Hundreds of criminal cases are recorded as a crime in the Official Register in Ukraine but only a few have been brought to the court. In this article we try to approach this problem in three ways: from the point of view of criminal law, criminal procedure and criminalistic measures of counteraction to miscarriage of justice. Such an approach helps to demonstrate problems of investigator, prosecutor and judge at different stages of criminal proceeding. Special attention is paid to specific regulation of the issues of criminal proceedings against a certain category of persons, including judges. Mistakes of representatives of law enforcement bodies become visible as a result of analyzing of real criminal cases. Such an analysis is aimed to disclose the problem of counteraction to miscarriage of justice in Ukraine.
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Rozhnov, Oleh
Заглавие : Towards timely justice in civil matters amid the COVID-19 pandemic
Место публикации : Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. - 2020. - Issue: 2-3, Special Issue: SI. - P.100-114
УДК : 347.91/.95(477)(094.4)
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): procedural time--процессуальное время--процесуальний час--civil justice--гражданское правосудие--цивільне правосуддя--access to justice--доступ к правосудию--доступ до правосуддя--pandemic challenges--пандемические вызовы--пандемічні виклики--a fair and timely trial--справедливое и своевременное судебное разбирательство--справедлиий і своєчасний судовий розгляд--covid-19--civil litigation--судебный процесс по гражданскому делу--судовий процес у цивільній справі
Аннотация: This article is devoted to the analysis of procedural time limits transformation under pandemic conditions implemented in the legislation of Ukraine during the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, as well as the practice of their application in national courts. It is stated that inaccuracy and incompleteness in resolving important issues related to the extension and renewal of procedural time for the administration of justice under the quarantine creates obstacles to the implementation of the main tasks of civil proceedings. Inaccuracy in the regulation by procedural legislation of certain procedural terms, the possibility of their renewal and extension can significantly affect the movement of all civil proceedings as well as significantly impede the achievement of its goals.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kaplina, Oksana, Sharenko, Svitlana
Заглавие : Access to justice in ukrainian criminal proceedings during the COVID-19 outbreak
Место публикации : Access to justice in eastern europe. - 2020. - Issue: 2-3. Special Issue: SI. - P.115-133
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): justice in the context of the covid-19 pandemic--правосудие в условиях пандемии covid-19--правосуддя в умовах пандемії covid-19--access to justice in the context of the covid-19 pandemic--доступ к правосудию в контексте пандемии covid-19--доступ до правосуддя в контексті пандемії covid-19--judicial control over the protection of rights--судебный контроль за защитой прав--судовий контроль за захистом прав--freedoms and legitimate interests of persons in criminal proceedings--свободы и законные интересы лиц в уголовном процессе--свободи і законні інтереси осіб в кримінальному процесі--the investigating judge--следственный судья--слідчий суддя--reasonable terms of criminal proceedings--разумные сроки уголовного производства --розумні терміни кримінального провадження--publicity and openness of court proceedings--гласность и гласность судебного разбирательства--гласність і гласність судового розгляду--trial by videoconference--испытание по видеоконференции--випробування по відеоконференції
Аннотация: This article examines relevant issues of criminal proceedings in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many governments have focused their efforts on protecting democratic values and ensuring not only the rights and legitimate interests of their people, but also their lives and health. At the same time, the pandemic has affected not only the economies of countries, but also their democratic development and fundamental rights, which have always been a priority of any democratic society. Courts and law enforcement authorities have faced challenges that have been and still are adequately addressed in order to ensure that the rights and legitimate interests of those seeking judicial protection are respected. Each state independently assessed the degree of risks and the extent of permissible restrictions on the rights and freedoms of persons involved in the proceedings, so the present study analyses the different approaches that have been applied. At the same time, documents of the Council of Europe for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) have gained high importance, because they, among others, have developed tools for Council of Europe member states to address the problems of ensuring access to justice in the pandemic. The generalization and widespread discussion of such experiences is important, because it will be useful for states to further improve existing legislation, taking into account best practices. Based on a study of changes introduced in the Ukrainian legislation to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease, conclusions are proposed about the nature and extent of the restrictions, as well as the principles on which they should be based and the guarantees to be provided. Recommendations that will contribute to improving the regulation of access to justice in criminal matters in a pandemic are also proposed.
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Ovcharenko, Olena, Podorozhna, Tetiana
Заглавие : Judge lustration in Ukraine: national insights and european implications
Место публикации : Access to justice in Eastern Europe. - 2020. - Issue: 4. - P.226-245
УДК : 342.56 + 343.11
ББК : Х629.01
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): ukraine--украина--україна--lustration--люстрация--люстрація--judges--судьи--судді--judicial independence--судебная независимость--судова незалежність--judicial reform--судебная реформа--судова реформа
Аннотация: This article primarily focuses on the Ukrainian judge lustration, analysed from diverse aspects. Ukraine's legal lustration framework engenders two legal acts- the Law On Restoring Trust into Judicial Power in Ukraine (2014) and the law On Purification of Government (2014). Social feedback on adopting these Laws, their key objectives, provided instruments and efficiency issues are discussed. This research particularly scrutinises the fundamental European lustration standards, referencing a few European countries' experiences: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland. Deep insight into national lustration procedures is given, considering the European Court of Human Rights' relevant rulings and the Ukrainian Constitution's provisions. Remarks on whether all lustration laws comply with the Ukrainian Constitution are offered. Addressing the High Council of Justice's precedents, a judicial body entitled to verify the judges' lustration results, an in-depth empirical analysis of those procedural results are provided. Overall, Ukrainian lustration embodies a unique phenomenon due to strong social demand formalized in specially designed regulation.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kaplina, Oksana, Fomin, Serhiy
Заглавие : Proportionality of interference with the right to peaceful enjoyment of property during the seizure of property in criminal proceedings in Ukraine
Место публикации : Access to justice in Eastern Europe. - 2020. - Issue: 4. - P.246-264
УДК : 343.1
ББК : Х629.3
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): the seizure of property in criminal proceedings--арест имущества в уголовном производстве--арешт майна в кримінальному провадженні--proportionality of interference in constitutional law--соразмерность вмешательства в конституционное право--співмірність втручання в конституційне право--the right to peaceful enjoyment of property--право на беспрепятственное владение собственностью--право на безперешкодне володіння власністю--measures to ensure criminal proceedings--меры по обеспечению уголовного производства--заходи щодо забезпечення кримінального провадження--inviolability of property rights--неприкосновенность прав собственности--недоторканність прав власності--criteria for the admissibility of restrictions of human rights--критерии допустимости ограничения прав человека--критерії допустимості обмеження прав людини
Аннотация: This article considers relevant science and law enforcement practice issues of state intervention's legitimacy in the right to peaceful property enjoyment in criminal proceedings during property seizure. These issues are considered everywhere through international instruments' prism, particularly the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights (ECHR) and Fundamental Freedoms, Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention and the ECtHR case-law. Based on the ECtHR case law, the authors analyze the conditions under which the state may interfere in exercising a protected right, often called criteria for intervention. Based on the fact restrictions are permissible if they are prescribed by law, necessary in a democratic society and pursue a legitimate goal, the authors consider these conditions through the lens of national law enforcement practices of Ukrainian criminal proceedings. The authors emphasize the relevance of these criteria of the legality of individual rights restriction in criminal proceedings since when applying for property seizure, the Ukrainian legislator requires investigating judges to consider reasonableness and restriction proportionality of property rights, and apply the least onerous seizure method, not suspend or excessively restrict a person's lawful business activities, or other consequences significantly affecting others' interests. Due to the amendment of the Ukrainian criminal procedure legislation, the practice is slowly approaching the European Court of Human Rights practice's European standards. However, proper systematic, logical and consistent court decisions limiting the human right to peaceful property possession remain critical. Based on the study, the authors offer a model of logical reasoning, following which the investigating judges can correctly formulate the motivational part of the decision to satisfy or deny the request for property seizure. Particular attention is paid to the reasonableness, suitability, necessity, and proportionality of the means of restricting the right to peaceful enjoyment of the property and describes each of them.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Basysta, Iryna, Shepitko, Iryna, Shutova, Olga
Заглавие : Protection and risks of illegal divulgation of banking secrecy in ukrainian criminal proceeding
Место публикации : Access to justice in Eastern Europe. - 2020. - Issue: 4. - P.298-305
УДК : 343.1
ББК : Х629.3
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): banking secrecy--банковская тайна--банківська таємниця--banking secrecy protection--защита банковской тайны--захист банківської таємниці--divulgation of banking secrecy--разглашение банковской тайны--розголошення банківської таємниці--criminal proceedings--уголовное судопроизводство--кримінальне судочинство
Аннотация: The authors contribute to the national reform discussion to improve Ukrainian society's banking system confidence, approaching the European standards of financial services. Public confidence in banks focuses on performance, necessary for financial institutions, but negative feedback from the media, relatives, acquaintances regarding banks has bred significant mistrust. Among the root causes of an unflattering bank, image engenders the financial institution's inability to ensure customer information confidentiality regarding the banking secrecy. This article reviews the protection and illegal disclosure risks of banking secrecy, access to it within criminal proceedings, legal uncertainty of the Laws of Ukraine 'On Banks and Banking' and 'On Currency and Foreign Exchange Transactions, and proposed elimination method. Also provided are particular risks and recommendations for dealing with bank secrecy's apparent risks to continue improving adequate bank secrecy disclosure compliance with the FATCA Agreement.
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Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Yevtieieva D. P., Lapkin A. V., Karelin V. V.
Заглавие : East slavic surrogate motherhood: state of legal regulation and risk of human rights violation
Место публикации : Wiadomosci lekarskie. - 2020. - Vol. 73, Iss. 12, cz. 2. - P.2882-2889
УДК : 347.6:614
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): surrogacy--genetic parents--child--embryo--сурогатне материнство--суррогатное материнство--генетичні батьки--генетические родители--ембріон--эмбрион
Аннотация: OBJECTIVE: The aim: The aim of the study is to determine the state of legal regulation of surrogacy in Ukraine, Russian Federation and Belarus, to identify risks of human rights violations, to identify legal and medical mechanisms to combat the exploitation of women, and to outline a portrait of a surrogate mother. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: The empirical basis is the legislation of Ukraine, Russian Federation and Belarus, which regulates the service of surrogacy, information from the websites of agencies and clinics in this area, as well as personal stories of 41 surrogate mothers, set out in open sources. The following methods were used: dialectical, comparative, statistical, induction and deduction, questionnaire, analysis and synthesis, content analysis. CONCLUSION: Conclusions: The results of the study clarify both the common features of the legal regulation of surrogacy in the East Slavic countries, and the specifics of each of them; the main problems in the field of its application are outlined; the risks of violation of the rights of genetic parents, children and surrogate mothers are characterized. Legal and medical mechanisms for counteracting the exploitation of surrogate mothers have been identified.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Momot, Tetyana, Karpushenko, Maria, Prilipko, Sergiy, Mushchynska, Natalia, Momot, Darina
Заглавие : Intellectual property assessment: development of information and methodological support in conditions of limited information
Параллельн. заглавия :Оцінка інтелектуальної власності: розробка інформаційно-методичного забезпечення в умовах обмеженої інформації
Место публикации : Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - Vol. 1, No. 13 (109). - P.48-63
УДК : 330.142
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): интеллектуальная собственность--нематериальные активы--інтелектуальна власність--нематеріальні активи--доходы--затраты--доходи--витрати--intangible assets--intellectual property--income approach--cost approach
Аннотация: Assessment of intellectual property is an important process of commercialization of scientific and technical developments of enterprises of all forms of ownership. This is carried out to determine the value of intellectual property objects (IPO) in connection with the transfer of ownership (purchase, sale) to the corresponding object, the conclusion of a license agreement for the IPO use, accounting for IPO in accounting, contributed to the authorized capital, etc. Under such conditions, the problem of IPO underestimating significantly reduces the efficiency and effectiveness of enterprises. At the same time, the uniqueness of many types of intellectual assets and the impossibility of their visual assessment determine the expediency of systematizing methodological approaches to assessing the value of intellectual property assets to ensure an objective assessment of the value of intellectual property. This will help increase the profitability and business value of the enterprise. The aim of research is to develop theoretical and methodological provisions and substantiate practical recommendations for improving information and methodological support for assessing the value of intangible assets, taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents and the availability of the necessary information. Based on the results of the study, methodological approaches to determining the value of intangible assets are systematized. According to the financial statements, the value of intangible assets of the leading enterprises of Ukraine and their share in the total value of assets were analyzed. The features of the assessment of intangible assets in accordance with accounting standards have been determined, a methodological approach to the assessment of the value of intellectual property has been developed, it allows to reasonably choose a method for assessing IPO based on the analysis of available information. It is proved that the lack of objective information on the value of IPO significantly reduces the value of assets of Ukrainian enterprises in comparison with the leading companies in the world, reduces their investment attractiveness and does not contribute to economic development.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 341.217/K21
Автор(ы) : Karpachova, Nina I.
Заглавие : The role of international human rights organisations in the context of the conflict in eastern Ukraine
Параллельн. заглавия :Роль міжнародних організацій із захисту прав людини в умовах конфлікту на сході України
Место публикации : Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine. - 2021. - Vol. 28, Iss. 1. - P.24-31
УДК : 341.217
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): conflict in eastern ukraine--victims of the conflict--hostilities--warring parties--international human rights organizations--військовий конфлікт--бойові дії--жертви збройних конфліктів--правозахисна діяльність--міжнародні правозахисні організації--жертвы вооруженных конфликтов--военный конфликт--боевые действия--международные правозащитные организации
Аннотация: The task of this paper is to study the role of international human rights organizations in response to the conflict taking place in eastern Ukraine. The study is based on recent reports from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the OSCE on Ukraine. The relevance of the stated topic is determined by the situation with human rights violations in the armed conflict in Ukraine and the significant role of international human rights organizations, making active efforts to resolve it. The purpose of this study is to determine the main aspects of the role that international organizations play in resolving this range of issues. This will help to identify potential opportunities to tackle the problem with human rights violations in the Ukrainian territories. The study combines quantitative and qualitative research of the entire spectrum of issues brought into the subject. The main results obtained are: analysis of the role and place of international human rights organizations in assessing the situation with the conflict in the Ukrainian territories and obtaining statistical information on the current status of human rights violations in these territories. The value of this paper lies in obtaining practical recommendations for finding ways to peacefully resolve the conflict in the East of Ukraine and implementing comprehensive measures to create conditions for the protection of human rights in this region. © 2021, National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Karnaukh, Bohdan
Заглавие : Standards of proof: a comparative overview from the ukrainian perspective
Место публикации : Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. - 2021. - Vol. 4, Iss. 2. - P.25-43. - У WoS не зазначено: Vol. 4.
УДК : 347.94
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): standard of proof--стандарт доказательства--стандарт доказу--intime conviction--интимное убеждение--інтимне переконання--proof beyond reasonable doubt--доказательство за разумными сомнениями--доказ за розумним сумнівом--preponderance of the evidence--предупреждение доказательств--попередження доказів--balance of probability--баланс вероятности--баланс імовірності--bayesian decision theory--байесовская теория принятия решений--баєсова теорія рішення
Аннотация: The article addresses the issue of standards of proof from a comparative perspective. The author sketches the conventional distinction between common law and civil law countries in this regard, as well as some approaches that query the validity of the rigid division. The main purpose of the article is to characterise the Ukrainian approach to the standards of proof against the background of comparative analysis. The author concludes that recent developments in Ukrainian law have paved the way for a distinction between criminal and civil standards of proof However, the doctrine is not yet elaborate enough to warrant a coherent application of the two different standards.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Sokolova, Alla, Cherkashyna, Maryna
Заглавие : The legal regulation of the use of natural healing resources: the theory and practice of disputes resolution
Место публикации : Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. - 2021. - Vol. 4, Iss. 2. - P.144-163. - У WoS не зазначено: Vol. 4.
УДК : 349.6
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): the right to use natural resources--право на использование природных ресурсов--право користування природними ресурсами--the use of natural resources for health and recreational purposes--использование природных ресурсов в оздоровительных и рекреационных целях--використання природних ресурсів в оздоровчих та рекреаційних цілях--natural healing resources--природные лечебные ресурсы--природні цілющі ресурси--the use and protection of natural healing resources--використання та охорона природних цілющих ресурсів--использование и защита природных лечебных ресурсов--climate as a healing resource--климат как лечебный ресурс--клімат як цілющий ресурс
Аннотация: The article is devoted to the issue of regulating the use of natural healing resources in Ukraine, the European Union, and other countries. Natural resources have been found to have many functions, but one of the most important is the ability to use them as a means of preserving or maintaining human health. For this reason, natural healing resources are subject to a special legal regime. Public relations arising from the use and protection of natural healing resources are subjected to legal regulation and devoted to the identification and accounting of natural healing resources, ensuring their rational extraction, use, and protection in order to create favourable conditions for treatment, disease prevention, and recreation. Despite the wide range of healing properties in various natural objects, the environmental legislation of Ukraine contains only a small number of rules on their use. This problem is most fully disclosed in the Water Code of Ukraine, which not only enshrines the procedure for assigning certain water resources to the category of healing but also provides for the adoption of special law statutes and regulations regarding the list of existing water bodies in Ukraine and their inherent healing functions. These regulations highlight the fact that most of the natural healing resources specified in the list belong to the sphere of subsoil use. However, there are no norms in the Subsoil Code of Ukraine that would regulate the use and protection of such objects. Instead, the Subsoil Code of Ukraine contains general rules on basic requirements in the field of subsoil protection, as well as a special article on the protection of subsoil areas of special scientific or cultural value. Healing resources are not mentioned, which is a glaring omission. Situation analysis of the national legal system regarding the use of natural healing resources has shown the need to restructure the legislation, with the primary task of protecting and preserving the healing properties of such sources. For this purpose, the existing practice of public relations among developed European countries, as well as the positive experience in this area, should be taken into account to achieve effective improvement of the legislation system of Ukraine. Studying the issue of prosecution for violation of the rules on the use of natural healing resources or causing damage to them suggests that the national legal system is based on economic interests, without prioritising the preservation of the healing value of such sources. As a result, Ukraine's policy to preserve the healing properties of natural objects is not characterised by effective methods, significantly reducing the number of such unique and useful resources. The analysis of court cases is evidence that the practice of effective protection and restoration of healing resources is not common. The number of such cases is currently too small when compared with those regarding damages to such natural resources caused by legal entities and individuals.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Anisimova, Hanna V., Kopytsia, Ievgeniia
Заглавие : The role of courts in environmental rights protection in the context of the state policy of Ukraine
Место публикации : Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. - 2021. - Vol. 4, Iss. 2. - P.164-176. - У WoS не зазначено: Vol. 4
УДК : 349.6:347.97/.99](477)
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): access to justice--climate change litigation--ecthr--environmental rights protection--environmental state policy--human rights--state policy--доступ до правосуддя--європейський суд з прав людини--зміна клімату--екологічна політика україни--права людини--доступ к правосудию--европейский суд по правам человека--изменения климата--экологическая политика--права человека
Аннотация: The protection of the environmental rights of citizens is an important issue for the domestic and foreign state policy of Ukraine. Although environmental rights are formally recognised and enshrined in law, they fail to be implemented in practice. This indicates the imbalance and lack of effective political and legal mechanisms for an appropriate system of measures to create conditions for exercising environmental rights and interests, their protection, and restoration, as well as to assure environmental awareness and culture. In light of these general considerations, this research article aims to examine the current issues concerning access to justice for protecting environmental rights through the lens of the state policy of Ukraine and its real application to ensuring such protection. Accordingly, the underlying tasks of the article are: to analyse how meaningful and comprehensive the provisions of approved strategic documents are; to analyse the cases of the ECtHR against Ukraine in environmental matters; to study the national case-law concerning access to justice on environmental rights protection and whether they correspond with the state policy areas of ensuring environmental human rights; to analyse how efficient the mechanism of their protection in Ukraine is and whether conditions for equal access to court in environmental cases are created; to find and illuminate the current state policy gaps that might threaten the effective observance and enforcement of environmental human rights; to formulate theoretical and practical suggestions for their further improvement.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Razmetaeva, Yulia, Razmetaev, Sergiy
Заглавие : Justice in the digital age: technological solutions, hidden threats and enticing opportunities
Место публикации : Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. - 2021. - Vol. 4, Iss. 2. - P.104-117. - У WoS не зазначено: Vol. 4.
УДК : 340.1:004
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): algorithmic justice--digital age--discrimination--hidden threats--human rights--justice--rule of law--права людини--верховенство права--цифрові технології--цифровізація права--цифрова епоха--права человека--цифровые технологии--цифровая эпоха--цифровизация права
Аннотация: This article focuses on and weighs the main benefits and risks of introducing and deploying technological instruments for justice, as well as their potential effect on fairness. The replacement with and complementary use of technological solutions in light of their application in the judicial system in the digital age are considered. The explicit and implicit risks that arise from the introduction and deployment of technology instruments are analysed. Taking an axiological approach that assumes the a priori value of human rights, justice, and the rule of law, we evaluate the main dangers that the use of technological solutions in the justice system entails. With the help of formal legal and comparative legal methods, as well as the analysis of scientific literature and contextual analysis of open sources on the capabilities of artificial intelligence and the bias of algorithms, the article fills in the gaps regarding the potential of technology to improve access to justice and the use of algorithms in decision-making. It is noted that some technological solutions, as well as the usual behaviour of all actors in the digital era, change the nature of interactions, including those in the justice system. The question of the possibility of algorithmic justice is considered from the standpoint of fairness and non-discrimination. The article shows how the use of algorithms can improve procedural fairness but emphasises a careful and balanced approach to other elements of fairness.
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 1-20    21-40   41-60   61-80   81-91 

Умовні позначення місця знаходження

3_пов.(ЗПІ) – зала правової інформації, НБК

4_пов.(НАб) – абонемент наукової літератури, НБК

4_пов.(ДБФ) – довідково-бібліографічний фонд, НБК

5_пов.(З/П) – зала періодичних видань, НБК

6_пов.(АХЛ) – абонемент художньої літератури, НБК

6_пов.(ЗІЛ) – зала літератури іноземними мовами, НБК

7_пов.(Хр) – книгосховище, НБК

8_пов.(РК) – книгосховище рідкісних видань та дисертацій, НБК

НБВ – інформаційно-бібліографічний відділ, НБК, 7 поверх

Ст.Аб. – студентський абонемент, НБК, 5 поверх

Філ №1 – філія № 1 (вул. Динамівська, 4)

Філ №2 – філія № 2 (вул. Григорія Сковороди, 106)

Полт. фак. – Полтавський юридичний інститут, м. Полтава