Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 343.12/V28
Автор(ы) : Vapniarchuk, Viacheslav, Hryniuk, Volodymyr, Drozdov, Oleksandr, Bespalko, Inna, Strashok, Anna
Заглавие : Witness Privileges as the Foundation of their Immunity in Criminal Proceedings
Место публикации : Pakistan Journal of Criminology. - 2023. - Vol. 15, No. 03. - P.355-372
Примечания : References : p. 369-372
УДК : 343.12
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): evidence--private interests--public interests--testimony--witness immunity--criminal proceedings--кримінальний процес--свідок у кримінальному процесі--імунітет свідка--докази у кримінальному процесі
Аннотация: The purpose of the paper is to investigate the essence of different types of witness immunity in criminal proceedings, to identify and analyse specific privileges that underlie these forms of witness immunity, and to justify the necessity of altering scientific perceptions of this institution within criminal procedural law and making changes to the current criminal procedural legislation to improve its normative regulation. The primary approach to addressing this issue involved categorising types of witness immunity and the associated privileges, presenting critical viewpoints concerning their interpretation, and proposing improvements to their regulatory framework. The paper proposes methods for enhancing and aligning criminal procedural legislation in the studied domain with European legal standards, examines foreign practices of witness protection and provision of privileges during criminal proceedings, and identifies general principles of criminal procedure that are upheld through the functioning of witness immunity mechanisms.
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Доп.точки доступа:
Hryniuk, Volodymyr; Drozdov, Oleksandr; Дроздов, Олександр Михайлович; Bespalko, Inna; Беспалько, Інна Леонідівна; Strashok, Anna; Вапнярчук, Вячеслав Віталійович