Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kroitor, Volodymyr, Mamnitskyi, Valeriy
Заглавие : Adversarial Principle Under the New Civil Procedure in Ukraine
Место публикации : Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. - 2019. - Iss. 4. - P.30-41
УДК : 347.91
ББК : Х629.2 + Х629.2-2
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): adversariality--состязательность--змагальність--equality of parties--равенство сторон--рівність сторін--principles of the civil procedure--принципы гражданского процесса--принципи цивільного процесу--competitiveness--конкурентоспособность --конкурентоспроможність--procedural activity of the court--процессуальная деятельность суда--процесуальна діяльність суду--principle of cooperation between the parties and the judge--принцип сотрудничества сторон и судьи--принцип співробітництва сторін і судді
Аннотация: This work deals with the evolution of adversarial princtple in civil process under the conditions of post-socialist regression and post-reform civil justice as well as the introduction of the principles of case management and cooperation between the court and the parties in the process. In particular, it analyses the main provisions of such new guarantees of realization of the right to a fair trial, which were introduced in the CPC of Ukraine in 2017-2018 as a court's right to prevent abuse of procedural rights, as well as the exchange of competitive documents between the parties. The authors argue that effective protection of the rights today is to be based on the adversarial principles that shall be supplemented by the security of the balance of rights of the parties and the authority of the court on the examination of civil matters.
Держатели документа:
Web of Science Core Collection

Доп.точки доступа:
Mamnitskyi, Valeriy; Мамницький, Валерій Юрійович