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Yavor, O. А..
    Transformation of legal regulation of family relations under the impact of scientific progress [Текст] / O. А. Yavor, V. V. Nadon, O. О. Ruban // Astra Salvensis. - 2019. - No. 1. - P. 523-537
   Перевод заглавия: Трансформация правового регулирования семейных отношений под влиянием научного прогресса
ББК Х624

Аннотация: The actuality of the problem is conditioned by the fact that in the conditions of growing scientific and technological progress and the strengthening of the role of the individual in public life there is an acute problem of the legal status of the family in modern human life. The achievements of science and technology and social changes in the society inevitably affect marriage and family relations. The purpose of this article is determining the changes in the family legislation under the impact of scientific progress, in particular, concerning the legal regulation of the issues of determining the child's origin when using artificial insemination technology, the responsibility of the surrogate mother in case of refusal to hand over the born child to the spouses, the regulation of cases related to such legally significant circumstances as changing the sex of a person and so on. The leading methods of research are the methods of analysis and synthesis used for structuring and analysis of the available information as well as the comparative method as a special-scientific method of research that allows to consider this problem by finding and comparing common and different legal phenomena in the regulation of these issues. The results of the undertaken study is determining the drawbacks in the legal regulation of doctrinal provisions on the legal assessment of certain legally significant circumstances which have the status of legal facts for the purposes of legal regulation, in particular, the wide spread of methods of vitro fertilization, cloning, sex change, surrogacy, among other things, in solving the matter of the child's origin. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of implementing a number of international legal acts in the national legislation of Ukraine at the level of international legal acts by imposing the obligations on the states parties of the conventions of the quality protection and protection of human rights.

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Kraіnуk, H.
    Отдельные правовые и медико-социальные аспекты реализации права на жизнь и эвтаназию [Текст] = Separate legal and medico-social aspects of the realization of the right to life and euthanasia in Ukraine / H. Kraіnуk, I. Semenikhin, O. Sydorenko // Georgian medical news. - 2020. - Iss. 3 (300). - P. 134-139
ББК Х623.211.84 + Х911.3

Аннотация: In order to better protect the human right to life, to improve the implementation of Art. 2 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as well as the reduction of the number of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights against Ukraine, we propose avoid unjustifiably lengthy investigations into the causes of death of citizens and provide specialized resuscitation assistance to all who need it. Share Art. 52 of the Law of Ukraine "Fundamentals of the legislation of Ukraine on health care" the following wording: "Medical workers are allowed to euthanize - intentionally accelerating the death or death of a terminally ill patient in order to end his or her suffering, subject to his consent and the conclusion of the commission, which is not less than of three doctors on the incurability of a disease that causes significant physical pain (suffering) for the patient".

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Razmetaeva, Y. S..
    Abortion, human rights and medical advances in digital age [Текст] / Y. S. Razmetaeva, O. O. Sydorenko // Wiadomosci lekarskie. - 2021. - Vol. 74, Iss. 1. - P. 132-136
   Перевод заглавия: Аборт, права людини та медичні досягнення в цифровому возрасте
РУБ DOI: 10.36740/wlek202101126 + PubMed: 33851603

Аннотация: OBJECTIVE: The aim: The article analyzes the impact of abortion on human rights and women's health in the light of medical and technological advances of the digital age. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: The methods of research were dialectic approach and general analysis of normative and scientific sources, analysis of the results of studies of women's mental health after abortions, analysis of judicial practice, especially decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, the results of author's own empirical studies, the formal legal method, the comparative legal method and the historical method. It has been established that there is no strong evidence that abortion negatively affects a woman's mental health, including no evidence that the emotional consequences aredeeply personal, or are rather the result of societal pressure. Arguments were refuted about extending the protection of human rights regarding abortion to unborn children and their fathers. CONCLUSION: Conclusions: The article emphasizes that the ethical burden on medical workers, especially in jurisdictions that require the approval of a doctor to legally terminate a pregnancy,increases significantly due to information flows and community expectations dictated by new medical advances.

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Dunaieva, T.
    Determination of the initial moment of life of a person in Ukraine [Електронний ресурс] = Определение начального момента жизни человека в Украине / T. Dunaieva, H. Krainyk // Georgian Medical News. - 2020. - Iss. 298. - P. 169-174. - [В Scopus та Web of Science вказана інша організація. Автор Г. Крайник не працює з 2020 р.]
ББК Х628.1

Аннотация: The aim of the study was to study the initial moment of a person's life, which is important for a clear determination of when it begins to be protected by the legislation of Ukraine, and differentiation from legal or illegal abortions, as well as to propose an approach to determine the initial moment of life that is more consistent with the logic than exists in the current one the legislation of Ukraine. Today, the initial moment of life in Ukraine determines the beginning of childbirth, and the final - death of the brain, that is, the criteria for determining the beginning and end of life are different - the beginning of childbirth and brain death; we offer to connect the initial and final moments of life with the brain - from the formation and beginning of the functioning of the human brain to his death, that is, the only criterion is the brain) and a more humane approach to determining the initial moment of life than exists now (life if we take into account our proposals the legislator will be protected at earlier stages - from the 12th week of pregnancy). We examined the results obtained by other scientists, as well as normative acts, in particular, the Law of Ukraine Basics of the Legislation of Ukraine on Health Protection № 2801-XII of November 19, 1992. As a result of the study, individual proposals were made to improve the legislation of Ukraine in the field of protecting the human right to life. It is proposed to amend Part 1 of Art. 50 of the Law of Ukraine Basics of the Legislation of Ukraine on Health Protection, in particular, replace in the text The operation of artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion) can be performed at the request of a woman in health facilities during pregnancy for a period not exceeding 12 weeks.

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Умовні позначення місця знаходження

3_пов.(ЗПІ) – зала правової інформації, НБК

4_пов.(НАб) – абонемент наукової літератури, НБК

4_пов.(ДБФ) – довідково-бібліографічний фонд, НБК

5_пов.(З/П) – зала періодичних видань, НБК

6_пов.(АХЛ) – абонемент художньої літератури, НБК

6_пов.(ЗІЛ) – зала літератури іноземними мовами, НБК

7_пов.(Хр) – книгосховище, НБК

8_пов.(РК) – книгосховище рідкісних видань та дисертацій, НБК

НБВ – інформаційно-бібліографічний відділ, НБК, 7 поверх

Ст.Аб. – студентський абонемент, НБК, 5 поверх

Філ №1 – філія № 1 (вул. Динамівська, 4)

Філ №2 – філія № 2 (вул. Пушкінська, 106)

Полт. фак. – Полтавський юридичний інститут, м. Полтава